Why do we try to safe sharks?
Well, if you are a diver, then you know. You would do anything, go anywhere on the planet to see sharks, there is nothing like being face to face with those beautiful animals.
The problem is, due to movies in the past and influence of news, sharks have a bad reputation. Everybody ignores the fact that they have an extremely important role in our Oceans. Sharks exist since more than 400 Million of years, never been threatened until now. More people die from toasters, coconuts, even from putting on their pants.
Sharks reproduce very slow, some not before the age of 25. It is estimated that about 100 Million shark get killed a year. Most shark species are declined by 70%-90%. Because sharks are an apeks predator, bringing them to extinction, will change the whole ocean eco system.
One of the most wastefull fishing practices is Shark Finning, which means only the fins get cut off, the body of the shark gets disposed back into the ocean, it can take days for them to die. Shark fin soup can be found in Asian restaurants all around the world, but especially in China it is tradition and gets consumed daily by millions of people.
There needs to be more awareness.There need to be more sustainable ways of living from the ocean. We will try to do our best to educate people, but especially the youth. Hopefully traditions can be broken, shark finning gets banned and shark sanctuaries will be established as save haevens for sharks, to reproduce and live in peace.
With your support we can reach our goals much faster. Stay tuned as exciting news and projects will come up.
In the meantime check out www.mikehorn.com !